ORICS is the official international Conference Series of the Indonesian Operations Research Association (IORA) and publishes original research papers that have been presented at the International Conference, which cover: theory, practice, history, or methodology for Operations Research (OR). ORICS will act as a platform to encourage further research in OR theory and application. Market globalization and operations place tremendous pressure in making timely and accurate decisions using more accurate data and information analysis.
The Indonesian Operations Research Association (IORA) was established for an indefinite period of time and was started on 25-08-2014.
Recognizing that Operational Research (OR) is not only an independent science but also a major supporter of various sciences, Indonesian operations research specialists and users and enthusiasts of operations research are obliged to: Foster and develop operations research; Fostering and developing operations research education; & Increasing the role of operational research both directly and as a support of other sciences in order to participate in increasing human resources for the success of nation and state development based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.
In support of the above mentioned purpose IORA in 2020 began publishing the Operations Research: International Conference Series (ORICS), as a periodic media and other means of communication to channel works and news in the field of operations research as information and knowledge for members and the general public.
Published By:Â
Iora Journal
Jl. Merkuri Timur VI No. 1, RT. 007, RW. 004, Manjahlega, Rancasari, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat, INDONESIAÂ Phone: +62 85841953112; +62 811
Vol 5, No 2 (2024)
Table of Contents
Septi Rahmawati, Andhita Zahira Adib, Volodymyr Rusyn
Lancelot Julsen Josua, Meivin Mulyo Prawiro, Jumadil Saputra, Siti Hadiaty Yuningsih
Vuji Annisa Kisti, Fadiah Hasna Nadiatul Haq, Rizki Apriva Hidayana
Dila Nur Fadhilah, Raynita Syahla, Astrid Sulistya Azahra
Rizki Apriva Hidayana, Siti Hadiaty Yuningsih, Abdul Gazir Syarifudin, Rika Amelia, Nenden Siti Nurkholipah
Rizki Apriva Hidayana, Herlina Napitupulu, Sukono Sukono