Performance Comparison of Ant Colony Optimization and Artificial Bee Colony in Solving the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem


  • Deva Putra Setyawan Master's Program of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Padjadjaran, Jatinangor, West Java, Indonesia
  • Nestia Lianingsih Master's Program of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Padjadjaran, Jatinangor, West Java, Indonesia
  • Moch Panji Agung Saputra Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Padjadjaran, Sumedang 45363, Indonesia


The Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP) is a combinatorial optimization problem widely applied in logistics and supply chain management. It involves determining the optimal routes for a fleet of vehicles with limited capacity to serve a set of customers with specific demands while minimizing travel costs. This study compares the performance of two popular metaheuristic algorithms, Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) and Artificial Bee Colony (ABC), in solving the CVRP. The research implements both algorithms on standard benchmark datasets, evaluating solution accuracy and computational efficiency. Simulation results indicate that ACO tends to excel in finding high-quality solutions, particularly for problems with high complexity, whereas ABC demonstrates superior computational efficiency on small- to medium-scale datasets. A detailed analysis of algorithm parameters was also conducted to understand their impact on the performance of both methods. This study provides valuable insights into the strengths and limitations of each algorithm in the context of CVRP and paves the way for the development of hybrid approaches in the future.

